Fruit Tart

This wonderful Fruit Tart is a great way to make use of the large variety of fresh and tropical fruits available in Australia. Of course, it can be adapted to suit any fruits in any country, and makes good use of the Shortcrust pastry recipe in the "Pastry" section of this website.
1 cup milk
3 egg yolks
1/4 cup caster sugar
2 Tablespoons plain flour
1 Teaspoon vanilla essence
Strawberries, Kiwi Fruit and Blueberries
Apricot Jam to glaze
Shortcrust Pastry base (see
Shortcrust Pastry recipe

I'm going to assume you have followed the link for Shortcrust Pastry (above), and have produced a beautiful base for this Tart.
To make the filling, put the milk into a small pan, and brign to the boil.
set aside while quickly whicking the egg yolks and sugar together in a bowl, until liht and creamy.
Whisk in the flour.
Pour the hot milk slowly onto the egg mixture, whisking constantly.
Wash out the pan, return the milk mixture and bring to the boil over medium heat, stirring with a wire whisk.
Boil for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a bowl, stir in the vanilla essence, and leave to cool, stirring frequently to avoid a skin forming.
When cooled to room temperature, cover thesurface with plastic wrap and refrigerate until cold.
Cut the strawberries in half and peel and slice the kiwi fruit.
Spoon the cold custard into the cold pastry shell, then arrange the fruit over the custard, pressing in slightly. Heat the jam in the microwave or in a small pan until liquid, sieve to remove any lumps, then using a pastry brush, glaze the fruit.
Serve the tart on the same day, at room temperature.
If it is to be left for a while on a hot day, refrigerate it.
Note: If you don't have a rectangular tin, this tart may be made in a 9" flan tin. You can use different fruits to top the tart, according to taste and season.
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