Barbecued Lamb Chops


4 chump chops


1 Teaspoon winter savory

2 cloves garlic

1 1/2 - 2 Tablespoons soya sauce

3 Teaspoons cider vinegar

1 teaspoon honey

1 Tablespoon oil

1/4 Teaspoon paprika

black pepper


Finely chop winter savory and garlic and blend together with other sauce ingredients. Warm the sauce a little if necessary to blend in the honey.

Lay the chops on a shallow dish or plate and spoon over the sauce.

Allow to marinate for two hours.

Turn chops and marinate for a further two hours.

Remove chops and barbecue as usual. Measure 5ml of the sauce and add 50ml of water. Pour into pan, bring to the boil and simmer gently for two minutes.

Serve as a suace to accompany the chops, but use sparingly as it tends to be strong and salty in flavour and thus overpowers the flavour of the marinated meat.

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